How a Real Estate School in Brooklyn can help you become a Notary Public

I don’t know about you but I didn’t know it was a big deal to become a notary public. Watch somebody sign their name, check their ID, record their name, this and that. It just looks like a job for someone who really likes paperwork, or somebody who likes being indispensible anytime a document needs to be figuratively signed in blood.

How hard can it be? Turns out, it is more complicated than that.


Things you learn in a real estate school in Brooklyn about becoming a notary public

A notary public evidently needs to know a bunch of legal things. To learn this at Brooklyn REI they take a mini law school course. Some of the items they must study and know include:

Appointment and Qualifications

Before you even start down the path to become a notary public, you might want to check your record for any misconduct, including bad credit, DUI, or any other crime. A notary’s main job after all, is to be completely honest. Even if you pass the class with flying colors the State of New York will not appoint you to be a notary with a flawed background.

Other items that are covered in class include:

Public Officers Law
Powers And Duties Executive Law
Real Property Law
Restrictions And Violations Judiciary Law
Executive Law
Penal Law
Definitions & General Terms

It’s all legal

See, I told you it was like a mini law school. When it comes to real estate there are many documents that need to be notarized. It is always good to have a notary on hand since you spend much of your real estate career signing documents that need to be notarized.

The reason a notary public is so important is that many real estate documents are worth thousands or millions of dollars. You want to always have access to an impartial notary to add an extra layer of security to your deals.

How a real estate school in Brooklyn can help you with your notary test

Since notaries must be appointed by the state, the school you attend for your training as a notary can make a big difference. Even if you pass the test, the state looks at all the qualifications you have as well as any items they may hold against you. If you studied in qualified school, it speaks well of you and how serious you are about being a notary.

A notary appointment is one of the perks you can earn through a life of honesty and integrity. With the advent of the Internet, your private life is available for more scrutiny in areas like this. If you know you have made mistakes in the past, learn your lesson and move on, without being a notary.

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