How Real Estate Classes in Brooklyn help You Become a Real Estate Agent

Are we really asking this? Let’s see. If you attend a real estate class in Brooklyn for 75 hours and then pass your real estate license test, and have a broker willing to sponsor you, you can be an agent. OK, that is obvious.

But back a million years ago, I wore a football helmet and pads and played an average of two minutes of every game in High School. I never introduce myself as a football player. So you have your license, are you really a real estate agent? You’ve got the name tag, but are you really functioning as an agent?

In name only

I have seen agents who go through the motions. They actually look like they are working but they aren’t getting anything done. From one moment to the next, they have to ask for help; like every deal they try to work is their first ever. And do they close deals? Not really. They are there, like the idiot son of a multi-millionaire hanging onto daddy’s hand through every step of the process. Their broker helps them just so the deal gets closed properly.

Left to themselves, these “agents” would starve. Eventually colleagues stop helping because they may see them as a lost cause. Feeding them a lead is a waste of a possible opportunity. This agent starts dragging down the entire office. The lead broker may have a soft heart, but the underlings may be helping out by making sure the help-wanted ads get left on their desk. Maybe they will get the hint and find a job better suited to a wannabe.

Become a real agent with real estate classes in Brooklyn

Unless you like to play the feckless wimp in your organization, you need to step up and become a real agent. I always recommend taking the real estate agent course from a reputable Brooklyn real estate school. (ie They follow the New York course but they make sure you truly understand each detail. Additionally, refresher courses as well as other opportunities are available for ongoing training.

Even though real estate licensing is controlled by the State, it is hardly regulated like doctors or lawyers. Can you imagine a doctor standing over an operating table asking, “Which side is the appendix on again?” Yet who hasn’t had a friend after a real estate deal get a phone call saying, “I’m sorry. I forgot to have you sign three more pages, then the house is yours.”

Digital Image by Sean Locke Digital Planet Design

Since there is significant paperwork required from the agent after the deal, an agent who doesn’t know what they are doing can create headaches for their clients and the broker. How would you like getting from a job that hasn’t paid you anyway because you haven’t sold anything?

Successful real estate agents will tell you that they live and die through referrals. Any lack of confidence in an agent can ruin any possibility he or she could have for referral business. People want their agent to know everything and behave professionally.