There’s More to Being a Real Estate Agent Than Just Selling Properties

It’s true. Most people think that the typical real estate agent spends his or her days showing clients potential homes, condos, and other properties. And yes, the majority of us do that.

However, you can do so many other things in the real estate industry. How about helping your clients become real estate investors? You’ll be helping them invest wisely in properties, and growing their wealth portfolios.

What about actually helping people get funding for their new homes? Then you’ll want to learn the intracacies of the mortgage industry, and become a mortgage professional.

It’s Just a Small Time Investment

However, what if you really truly want to stay in the selling and buying of real estate? Well, take it one step further and get a broker’s license. With just 45 hours of online coursework from Brooklyn Real Estate Institute (REI), you’ll be ready to take the broker’s exam.

But why would you want to become a broker? The bottom line is that you will potentially make more money and who doesn’t want to do that? With your broker’s license, you can open your own office and hire real estate agents to work for you. You’ll essentially be starting and running your own business.

You’ll Learn Some Mad Skills

Another cool thing about getting your broker’s license is that you will learn more about the industry. You’ll be taking courses in law, finance and investments. You can also gain the knowledge and skills to branch out into property management—another great way to use your management and people skills.

With the real estate marketing rising, you can start expanding your business and creating a career path full of potential.

With Leadership Comes Responsibility

Don’t get me wrong, along with these great perks comes some responsibilities. You’ll be overseeing your agents and can be liable for any legal issues. You will have to be responsible for money accounts and making sure they are all above board and legal.

As you can see, the potential you gain by obtaining your broker’s license is almost limitless.